Over the past couple of years, Vallox has been actively working to define its values. Written values highlight what Vallox considers important and what principles are followed.
Values are part of the corporate culture
Values are formed in companies over a long period of time. Probably almost every decision and act made during Vallox’s 50-year history, in good times as well as in challenging times, has contributed to shaping the ways we act in different situations, and thereby defined what we consider important in our operations. Indeed, values usually exist and are acted upon, even if they are not recorded anywhere. So why did Vallox now want to define and record its values?
The values, which are defined in cooperation with the entire staff, guide all activities in the company. Once the values are recorded and everyone has the same understanding of them, the values can serve as a guideline for everyone in Vallox. Company values assist in decision making and communication of the decisions. Today, employees consider it more and more important that their own values match those of their employer. Also, in business-to-business trade, it is common to think very carefully about what kind of companies we want to work with and whether the values of partners are appropriate. It is therefore everyone’s benefit to clarify the company values and communicate openly about what is important to Vallox.
Vallox values were defined together
The process to define the company values has required time and careful consideration. First the Vallox’s management team wrote nearly a hundred aspects related to working life and corporate culture, which were summarized to clear statements for the personnel survey. Through the survey, all Vallox employees had the opportunity to influence the values by answering how well they felt each statement fits Vallox’s actions and how important the statement is.
Based on the responses to the survey, the most important issues were combined and summarized into four themes that were made public to the staff in the fall of 2021. The themes are appreciation and respect, reliable partner, quality of operations and products, and continuous development.
During the coming winter, all the Vallox employees will think together about how the values are or should be reflected in different everyday situations. The goal is that in the future the Vallox values are every day involved in every Vallox employee’s actions when working with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
Vallox values

Appreciation and respect
We value and respect everyone’s work in Vallox. We share information and listen to each other’s opinions in order to achieve the best solutions.
Reliable partner
Our action is worthy of trust and we expect also our partners to stick to what has been agreed. We are active, friendly and helpful.
Quality of operations and products
Our operation and products are of high quality and meet customer needs.
Continuous development
We are constantly developing our competence, operation and products to lay the foundation for the company’s long-term success.